A little update and a BIG announcement!

Hello friends!

Well, I feel like I blinked and it’s almost November!! Isn’t time weird?! I feel like we were just floating the river and hanging out on the boat, now I’m layering up and trying to remember to grab a jacket before I leave the house.

For me, fall started out with some great friends who came down to hang out with me in our place in Central Oregon and we did all the fun things together! We ate tons of yummy food, checked out some cool shops and hung out on the couch in our comfy clothes having the best conversations.

 (We also recorded a podcast together, titled, “talking about clinging to what is good with Sandy, Lanette and Laurine”. That was sure fun and it airs on Tuesday October 26, if you want to check it out.)

For those of you who are doing this months Scripture write through, I’m hoping you are enjoying pressing into Jesus through this daily practice as much as I am! I don’t know about you, but this rhythm of entering into God’s word each morning has been a pathway towards hope in these uncertain times. I find myself feeling more grounded as I allow His truth and love to wash over me in those early morning times together and totally my prayer for you too!  Hopefully as you’ve engaged in this practice,  you’ve been able to take in some new things about our God, see some things that are true about you, and, as always, be challenged and comforted as you go about your days, living out of the center of His great love for you.

This verse has been especially good for me this month…

1 Peter 4:8-10 Finally, all of you, be like-minded, be sympathetic, love one another, be compassionate and humble.  Do not repay evil with evil or insult with insult. On the contrary, repay evil with blessing, because to this you were called so that you may inherit a blessing.

I don’t know about you but the reminder to love, with humility, is something I can always use!

Also, if you haven’t been doing this Scripture write through with us, consider this your invitation to come along!  You can grab the daily list here, on the home page of my website, and you can jump in no matter which day of the month it is. I’ve already got next months verses picked out and they’ll be right here, ready to go for you by November 1st. I love waking up each morning, knowing many of you are sitting in the same passages each day with me… somehow it seems to help me feel a little less alone.

So, for those of you who might not know, my sweet daughter Paige, helps me with all the behind the scenes stuff with my website and podcast and I couldn’t do it without her awesome skills! 

Isn’t she the cutest?!!  

Well, we have been working our hineys off together trying to get some new things ready for you guys, just in time for your holiday shopping, and I’m super excited to show you each product once I have them in my hands!! 

Want me to tell you what they are, so you don’t have to wait until then???….. I thought you might, and I’m dying to share!

For this release we have 5 new items, starting with awesome linen journals with “My Spacious Place” debossed into the cover. How cool is that??!!!  Maybe you are a journal-er who is gonna be super pumped about trying out a new one, or if you’re not someone who regularly journals, but you’ve been considering trying something new in the upcoming new year, this is a great one for you to get started in. Each page has a place for the date, it has an elastic ring for your pen, and a bookmark to keep your place or just hold the journal cover down. My prayer is that as you write your prayers, hopes, dreams, thoughts, fears and whatever else, that it will feel like a spacious place for your heart and soul.

And, I don’t know about you, but for the last couple of crazy years, Romans 12:9 (Love must be sincere, hate what is evil; cling to what is good) has been a verse that’s been such a help for me, so I decided to use it for some of our other products. We have black mugs with ‘Cling to what is good’ printed in white on them. I think that it’s such a  great message to start your day off with your first cup of coffee or tea. And, you could even get yourself two of them for those times when you invite a friend over!

If you love the mugs, here’s the cool thing—- we also have hats (in multiple colors) with the same ‘Cling to what is good’ phrase embroidered on them. They’re so cute and I can’t wait to see pics of you guys wearing them—-I hope you’ll tag me in pics after you get them!  The colors are so fun:)

We also have stickers and magnets too that are really fun and colorful and will look great on your laptops, water bottles or car windows!  As soon as we have the products in hand and get them loaded, you’ll just click on the ‘shop’ link and voila! —you’ll see each of the designs. I’ll keep you posted for sure when they’re all live.

There’s a new phrase on one of them that you may have heard me say, if you listen to the Spacious Place podcast and I just love it so much! My friend Karin shared it with me while I was in the thick of my counseling journey and it has stuck with me ever since! Ok, here it is…“A deeper shade of hope”. If you’re anything like me, you just took a big deep breath because who doesn’t want a deeper shade of hope in their life??? Well, now you can have the reminder on a sticker! And isn’t the design amazing?!!  My friend Steve Potter came up with all of these images that all feel just right! 

Thanks so much Stevo!!

Honestly though, one of the reasons I’m super excited about this launch is not only because I think all of these things are super cool, but because we were able to find these items for much better shipping prices than last time. Last time we were new to this process and we’ve learned so much since then. 

So I hope you’ll jump in and get yourself some cool new stuff, but more than that, as you head into November, I’m praying that you’ll join me in loving with a sincere heart, hating what is evil; and clinging to what is good.  And as we do that together…..Don’t forget to breathe. 


Super FUN stuff, with a side of yuck…


Fall has fallen