Super FUN stuff, with a side of yuck…

Hello and happy November!! I know it sounds cliche but boy does time ever fly!!….unless you’re waiting for a package to arrive or in the last few weeks of your pregnancy.  hahahaha—-am I right?!

I’m pretty sure this is the first year, that I know of, that so many people put up their Christmas trees immediately following Halloween. I’m sure there’s a lesson or point to what’s happening in people’s hearts and lives, but here’s my analysis (which involved neither science or a lot of thought:)——people simply want happy! There’s just too much sad and chaos in the world and we are all trying to find a place to plant ourselves in joy. And what better place than Christmas to do that! Even though I wasn’t one the people who put my tree up yet, I’m with y’all….let’s get all the happy and twinkle lights going!!! Can I get a hearty AMEN?!!

For us, so far November has been ROUGH!!! 

I think I’ve told you all before that we live across the driveway from our daughter Paige and her hubby Matt and their sweet little Winnie-girl! Because of such close proximity, we see each other quite often and I love every second of it!!! Early morning visits while I’m still in my pjs and end of the day kisses blown goodnight from our window to hers. It’s simply the BEST! Winnie is a sweet, smart, adorable and curious little two year old who loves to share all her favorite things. And, this month she was kind enough to share even her sickness with us. HAHA It’s funny tho because she really hasn’t been sick much. But this time, WHOA was it ever a doozy. She was so so sick and and so was her momma……and so were we. And here I am writing this to you the third week of the month and it’s still hanging on! I’m still drinking honey/lemon water morning and night and shooting ZICAM up my nose during the day. (Sorry that may have been TMI, but if you know me at all, you know that’s kinda what I do!)

Anyway…..YUCK! It’s just all gross. But I do think I may finally reaching the end of whatever this crud is.

But even though I’ve been dealing with not feeling well, it’s been a great month too! Isn’t that what life is——a mix of some good and some hard? That’s sure been my experience.  

On the flip side of sickness, one of the good things this month, is that on the podcast this month we’re going through a series on ‘clinging to what is good’ (which comes out of Romans 12) AND, we also launched some product with that very same message on it. I love all of these items SO much because they are simply reminders. And I don’t know about you, but I NEED REMINDERS!!! Small little helps along the way as I go about my day, reminding me that I have a part to play, an assignment, if you will. An invitation from God to live in a difference space then simply how I feel. We’re invited to pay attention and hold onto the good, not just in a way that dismisses or negates the painful things but both! It’s about not simply getting caught up in the bad, or hard, but at the same time holding onto the good. 

(I think that may be why God gave us two hands, to remind that us we can do both:)

All that to say, that I hope you’ve been tuning in to the podcast and that it’s helped provide some form of hope for you to grab hold of, AND I’m super eager for you to get your hands on these products! Eager for you to grab hold of them for yourself and the people in your life that also need the reminder (which is basically everyone:).

So here’s a little recap if you haven’t already seen them:

We’ve got hats in 4 colors: black, charcoal, mustard and maroon —-

Here it is in the charcoal color on my sweet girl! It’s so soft and comfortable.

…and the most adorable, perfect black mugs

Then we have journals with My Spacious Place embossed on them. A notebook designed for you to create your own spacious place to sit with all your thoughts, prayers, hopes and dreams. 

…and here’s our mix of great stickers to put on your favorite things (water bottles, computers, car window, etc).

We also have the original “Don’t forget to breathe” sticker available too! (not pictured here) And, we have a magnet option for those who aren’t into the sticker thing, so you can slap your reminder right there on the front of your refrigerator:)

We’ve been working so hard on making these available for ya just in time for Christmas with the hopes that you’ll gift them to all your favorite people (and grab a few things for yourself:). But honestly, the message of clinging to what is good is not just for merchandise, it’s a way of being. An invitation from God to step into our days with hope and expectancy, with eyes that are watchful for the good that He’s gifting us with along the way. This way of being will surely impact how your setting your heart and mind, and slowly do its deep work of transforming how we live and move and have our being. 

I’m so grateful for the opportunity to share my heart with you as well as all the things I’m learning as I walk with Him and invite you to come with me, on the Spacious Place podcast as well as all my sometimes silly IG posts:) Hope you have the best time with friends and/or family as you celebrated all that we have to be thankful for!

I sure appreciate all of you and hope you’ll keep me posted on all that’s happening in your own lives, as you journey with Jesus and each other.

Grace and peace to all!


Heart Prep for the Holidays


A little update and a BIG announcement!