Fall has fallen

Well, it looks as if fall has officially fallen on us. I know there are so many of you who just love fall. You love all things pumpkin, layers of clothing and rainy days. You have a countdown to Christmas and can’t wait til you can pack your fans away til next year, crank up the thermometer or build a fire in the fireplace.

I am not you. 

I grieve every time I begin to see the leaves change their color, knowing that in no time at all, the big gray comforter in the sky will move into the Northwest, only to allow glimpses of the sun for the next 7 months. 


Fall also means it time to lament the fact that I don’t get to buy school supplies or new clothes and shoes for my kids. And, I’ve begged Mike ever since they all left to give me a line item in our budget for a new wardrobe each September. This has not happened yet, but a girl can dream, right?!:)

But, one thing I can appreciate is changing seasons. I love the excitement it brings to know that we’re closing the chapter on one season and there are blank pages open, just waiting for our stories to begin afresh in the coming weeks and months. 

Like many of you, this summer our family experienced all manner of fun. We shared multiple meals together, spent time on our boat, enjoyed a week at our place in Sunriver Oregon, and we went on a spontaneous overnight camping trip together.  We made memories that we’ll never forget … that one was for you Hannah:)

We played games around the table, had competitions with knives, axes and slack lines and ate more food than I care to admit, but my tight jeans continue to remind me:) 

And I’m sure, like some of you, we also shared a tremendous loss together this summer. A tragic piece that we wish had never been written into our story.  I’m finding that it seems you can’t have one without the other on this side of heaven. There’s the good and the hard that sit right next to each other, and each is an opportunity to be our real selves with God and each other as we experience and process both. To laugh and dream when life is good and cry and share our sorrow when it’s hard and even devastating. All without feeling like we have to say anything to fix what words cannot touch. Simply being with one another is enough.


On the heels of all of that, we bring our glad hearts and drag our weary and burdened and somewhat tan bodies into the throne of grace and lay it all down. And it’s here where we find rest. Not simply the kind that sleep brings, but deep soul rest. The kind that only presence with the One who sees it all, is pained with us and has made a victory path for us to walk on, can give.  It’s here where our sorrows find a place to land and our hopes and dreams find their feet. It’s here where we can pile our doubts and longings into a heap and leave them, without needing to find answers, but simply having Another who will enter into it all with us.

So, I don’t know where you find yourself this fall, at the beginning of this new season. Maybe you’re ready to close the chapter and can’t wait for what’s ahead. And maybe it feels like closing it means you’ll forget some things that you don’t want to leave your heart and mind.  But my hope and prayer for you is that whatever these next few months bring, that you will not face whatever joys or trials in your life alone, but muster up enough courage to link arms with a friend and take all of it to Jesus. …..the author and perfecter of our faith. Who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, scorning its shame and sat down and the right hand of the throne of God. Hebrews 12:2  

And as He sees us coming, the tender picture in my heart and mind, is of our gentle Jesus leaning over close to the Father saying, “See that one? She belongs to us——isn’t she wonderful?!!

Shalom friends!

Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid. John 14:27


A little update and a BIG announcement!


Hello and Happy Summer!!!