Anxiety resource along with a yummy pretzel dip recipe

Hello and happy Spring!

It’s almost the end of April and that marks the end of the “April Anxiety series” on The Spacious Place podcast.

 (If you haven’t heard of The Spacious Place Podcast, or listened to it yet, you can check it out on iTunes or Spotify)

Of course, just because it's the end of the series doesn't mean it's the end of the conversation around anxiety. But I am going to be moving into a new series for May and this summer will be another extended series as well. (Be watching for what’s coming next @karilevang on Instagram:)  And if you listen, I’d love to hear your feedback on where we’ve been so far as well as input about topics you might like to hear that would be helpful for you in your daily lives.

For those who’ve already listened, you know that I always end with one of my favorite snacks. This week’s snack was a personal favorite from my long-time friend Janet Potter. 

(This is Janet and I on one of our favorite Hawaiian beaches---we have the gift of vacationing well together:)

Our family has been partaking in Janet’s pretzel dip for at almost 30 years now and it's not only a personal favorite of ours, but so many others have enjoyed it as well—-so today I thought I would share the love and give you the recipe:)

Janet’s Pretzel Dip…

1 8oz block of cream cheese

2 Tblsp mayo

2 Tblsp blue cheese dressing

Splash of Worcestershire Sauce

1/2 tsp garlic powder

Splash of milk (…or more for desired consistency)

Place all ingredients in a bowl, mix together. 

Pull out bag of your favorite pretzels, dip your heart out!…you’re welcome:)

I’ve also compiled a resource for you to use around your own anxiety. It’s a simple tool for you to use as you find yourself in an anxious place, rather than the spacious place  with Jesus and others. 


*What are you feeling the most anxiety about right now?

*Where is the anxiety sitting in your body?

(Close your eyes and feel your body, from the top of your head to the soles of your feet. Take a few deep cleansing breaths)

*What messages are rolling around in your mind right now?

*What do you have in your power to do about it? (practically or spiritually)

*Who can you invite into this sacred space with you?

Proverbs 12:25—Anxiety weighs down the heart, but a kind word cheers it up.

-When you invite another person in, try to be specific about what you need.

(here are some ideas, for those who have a hard time knowing what you need)

~ someone to listen

~someone to pray for you/with you

~gentle insights about where you might be stuck or caught in an unhelpful mind loop

~helpful scripture references

~a regular touchpoint, ie. phone call, text, email, zoom/face-time chat


Isaiah 41:10, Psalm 56:3, Philippians 4:6-7, John 14:27, 2 Timothy 1:7, 1 John 4:18, Psalm 94:19, Isaiah 43:1, Psalm 23:4, Joshua 1:9, Matthew 6:34, 1 Peter 5:6-7,

 Isaiah 35:4, Psalm 55:22, Deuteronomy 31:6, Isaiah 31:13-14, Psalm 46:1, Psalm 34:7, Romans 8:38-39, Psalm 18

*Who do you know that this resource might be helpful for that you could share it with?

I hope this tool feels helpful for you in your anxious places AND you enjoy the pretzel dip!!


Taking the time to lean in, learn and lament


lessons from the middle...