moving, in every sense of the word

Hello friends!

It’s been quite a whirlwind since I last posted! We put our house back on the market and it sold in a week. We moved out the end of April and it just closed yesterday. I’m praying the family that lives there now will enjoy that big, beautiful home as much as we did. Since the condo we are going to isn’t available for us until mid June, we are making our home in one of our daughter Paige and her hubby Matt’s bedrooms. Moving from a 3300 square foot home to one bedroom and a bathroom isn’t exactly what I was thinking when I said I wanted to downsize!

Actually, it’s quite perfect for us for now and we are enjoying the time with them and have totally bonded with their sweet puppy, Kash.

Today I am leaving for a 3 week adventure to Europe with 2 of my wonderful friends! We will take off this afternoon and land in London tomorrow morning. We hit the ground running and will travel from there to Paris, then take the train to Scotland. After that we will fly to Ireland and drive around the island for a week, then head over to Wales. We’ll stay in a great little place in the Cotswolds for our last week and travel to Oxford, Stonehenge, Cornwall and Wales, by car.

*Pray for us as we drive on the wrong side of the street and the wrong side of the car!

This is a return trip for us, as we spent time together in Ireland 10 years ago. But it’s also a celebration of sorts as well. For Sherry’s 70th year on the planet and a hallelujah celebration for my freedom that was hard won! We will celebrate BIG as we make our way around Europe together.

*Would also love to know you are praying for us as we go and if you think about it, pray for our hubbies as well!

I’ll be taking lots of pics, posting on Instagram as we go if you want to follow us along the way!

Grace and peace!



Limits, can you trust em?


breakfast on the beach with the One who made the fish