One month in—-here’s how it’s going!

Hello friends!

Can you believe it’s 2022? In many ways, 2021 seems like it flew by, especially as I think back to last year when Mike and I were saying, ‘One more year til our retirement/move’. It felt like it would never be here and now here it is! And I’m not gonna lie, now I’m shaking in my boots a little.

All that to say, time is weird.

So, as you can imagine, this year is a big one for us! Not only are we retiring this year and moving to a new state, but this summer we will add two more grand babes to our fam and we couldn’t be more excited about it!!! It’s such a joy to watch our kids expand their families and bring more precious babes into our collective family. And, I can’t even begin to tell you how fun it is to watch my girls bodies begin to expand as they carry those developing babes inside them. What a joy and privilege to be part of it all!

For me, 2022 started off with a bang— spending a week with our family together (sadly, except for David and his kiddos), kicking off the New Year! Not only were we in Central Oregon together, which is always so fun, but it dumped snow on us and it was absolutely beautiful!

 We did lots of eating, walking, playing games and just hanging out and connecting. After they all left and headed for home, I stayed for another week and it dumped even more snow. Honestly, it was kinda hard to be there alone and have to do all the shoveling of snow and refilling the wood pile all by myself, but I did it! And not only did I survive, I thrived! Little did I know, I’m a champion snow shoveler:) But for real, it was a good test for me to see how capable I really am.

Sometimes I think we have to be placed in a situation where we’re a little afraid, in order to see that we can actually flourish. 

I came back to Tacoma, the first week of January, only to begin packing, purging and taking loads to the local Goodwill. It’s crazy how much stuff we find ourselves acquiring stuff and it feels so good to downsize and simplify. But who wants to talk about packing and moving…BORING…, let’s get on to the good stuff.

If you follow me on social media or listen to The Spacious Place podcast, you know that I’m one of those people likes to ask God for a word for the year. (I fully understand this is not everyone’s jam, but I love it!) Anyway, the word I felt like God gave me this year is ‘curious’. And wow do I feel like I’m already walking it out. 

I’ve stayed in the space of watchfulness/paying attention over the last 27 days of this year, asking God to show me more….and HE HAS! I’ve got some fun new things that I’m going to enter into this year, and am so eager to see what God will do with my tiny little shred of faith. My heart is bursting with equal parts excitement and fear and a little bit of ‘what the heck am I even doing?’!

 But you know what, here’s the cool part—- I know Who it is I’m doing it with and that changes everything!

 That’s the coolest part about being a Jesus follower. We aren’t paving the way, we’re just saying yes as He leads and entrusting ourselves on step at a time, holding the hand of the One who holds all things together. The One who is gentle and kind, patient and good, who loves us with abandon and longs for us to trust in new ways and believe Him for more (even if we’re shaking in our boots a bit:).

This is the one great adventure he’s invited me into and I’m not gonna shy away from it. I’ve got one life to live and live well. As I go, I know there’ll be days where I’m full of fear and maybe even a little sadness around all the changes, but that’s ok. I know how to sit in sadness now, with Him, and let Him comfort me and then pick me up and point me towards the next right thing. 

One faithful step at a time. And when I stumble, He’ll be right there to help me.

So, what about you?

What is it that your heart is yearning for this year?

Is there something brewing in you that you’re finding yourself stuck in—maybe held in fear and trepidation about what it would be like to step into the unknown? What if this is the year for you to take that first, tiny movement towards it, with God? 

Come on, you can do it!——simply grab hold and let Him lead, and keep your eyes open, as He unfolds each step of the way.

Let’s say yes to living fully with Jesus and each other in 2022!!

Peace xo


February Scripture Write Through


An introduction to the book of Acts