Merry Christmas friends!

Well, let’s just say that December has been far better than November for me! Rather than battling sickness, all month, I’ve had lots of fun things happening, and it started with a weekend with my girls in Sunriver. Paige, Hannah, Court and I started our time with new Christmas jammies from Target and I’m not lying when I say, that I’ve pretty much lived in them ever since! 

While we were together, we ate food and laid around, shopped and chatted, cried and prayed and learned more about how to love each other better.  It was simply wonderful and a pretty perfect way to kick off the holiday season! (Thank you Hannah for pressing us to pick a date!)

Shortly after we got back, the fun continued as I had the joy of experiencing my first mammogram. 

Delightful, I know. 

Actually, it wasn’t nearly as painful or even uncomfortable as I had imagined it to be and good news is, all is clear in my mini peaks! Haha And of course I took a quick pic in my gown, just for you!

Some might say that Christmas, which is just a few short days away, is all about exchanging gifts, enjoying great meals, unpacking stockings as well as eating lots of treats. And while those are things we all usually partake in, and thoroughly enjoy, they could never create the wonder that the real meaning of Christmas does. 

Our God, who came as a babe and ended up rescuing us from our sin, far outweighs anything we may have added to our wish list on Amazon. Eternal security, along with a Savior and a friend who is ‘with us’, through the good, the bad and the ugly… now that’s the gift that keeps on giving!

But this Jesus, (Emmanuel), is what takes exchanging gifts to a whole new level! He gave Himself, that we might live and the gift we get to give back is a life that continues to say yes to following Him as we invite others to do the same. Day by day, moment by moment. And when we blow it, we say we’re sorry, come back  and follow again.

This is the way of Jesus.

And here’s the thing, all of the celebrations we will all partake in and enjoy are hints  of what heaven is like. A taste of Kingdom life here and now. 

After that babe that was born in a manger and wrapped in cloths grew up, he lived among people. Right in the middle of their messy lives. He walked with them, talked with them, ate with them, prayed for them and with them, described what God was like and what life with God could be like for them. And he invited them to join Him. 

To follow.

A holy invitation. An invitation to be made brand new and equipped to live and “be”, in a new way——the way we were originally designed—- to love and forgive and serve and practice hospitality and celebrate….and so much more! 

So for us, this is what we will do. We’ll share a day together, enjoying the beauty and the wonder of such an amazing day, eating wonderful food, laughing til our sides hurt and we’ll exchange gifts as a reminder of the One who gave it all. I’ll sit back and watch our adult kids unpack their stockings just like I have for their entire lives and I may even cry a little. And I will also relish in the fact that we get to have hours of connection. 

With-ness.  Just like Jesus.

And as we do so, we’ll have glimpses of grace. 

{I know this is not the case for many of you and I’m so sorry. I will be praying as you enter into the day, however it looks for you this year. And, I also understand that know this may not always be the scenario for our family. Surely my own kids families will grow and their homes will become the center for their own celebrations (and hopefully they’ll invite us to join them:).} 

Grace and Peace to you and yours and I’ll see ya in 2022!


January Scripture Write Through


Heart Prep for the Holidays